Coordinator Vanessa said, “We really wanted to offer something different to our customers that they would not only enjoy, but also to gain a qualification with practical, employable skills.
“This is the first time we have offered this course. It was so popular with our Work & Study participants. They were able to attend a full-day class each week as well as completing 6 weeks of work experience to learn more about how to wash, groom, feed and give medication to all sorts of animals in a real life setting.”
What does the course cover?
The Certificate II in Animal Care is a nationally recognised qualification. It enables students to learn the fundamental skills needed to care for domestic animals. This includes animal hygiene, providing basic animal first aid, and communicating effectively with people. Furthermore it taught them about working safely with animals, and finding information about the needs of different animals.
Graduation celebrations
I think the highlight for everyone was the course graduation in our Penrith office where we had a big celebration with a special morning tea. We all got to cuddle some furry friends that we fell in love with and wanted to take home!
Vanessa, Northcott Coordinator
“My personal favourite was Donna the dog, who is the most unique looking dog I have ever seen!
“All of the course graduates had such a great time. They learned so much from their teacher Julie over the six months. To say thank you they presented her with a beautiful bunch of flowers at their graduation.”
Course graduate Chris said, “I learned how to wash dogs, feed dogs and give them medication. I had such a fun time with all of the animals.”
Future job prospects
Vanessa said, “The course graduates now have great job skills and prospects in the future to work in boarding kennels, pet shops, groomers and welfare organisations. We look forward to seeing where they go from here!”
Accessibility and Inclusivity
We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.
Read more about our commitment to reconciliation