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In Home and Community Supports (On-Call Monitoring) Service Disclosure Statement

These are Terms and Conditions for the service On-Call Monitoring. You need to read these with the My Service Agreement Terms and Conditions.

  1. What is On-Call Monitoring?
    1. A Support Worker is available in your building 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you with unplanned or irregular events. We call this person our On-Call Support Worker.
    2. Examples of unplanned or irregular events are:
      • emergency two-person transfers
      • emergencies (for example medical or fire)
      • trouble-shooting with assistive technology
      • problem solving new situations related to your move into an ‘independent living’ SDA apartment
      • support where it is not reasonable to have scheduled In Home Support
    3. You must have a Tenancy Agreement in place with the relevant Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) provider or Landlord.
  2. How do I contact the On-Call Support Worker?
    1. Our On-Call Support Worker is in an office in your building. You can call them using the two-way communication system installed in your home. 
    2. On-Call Monitoring is shared between all the people who live in your building. Our On-Call Support Worker must put safety first. Sometimes they might not be able to help you straight away because they are helping someone who they have assessed as having a need of greater urgency. If this happens, you might have to wait a little while before they can help you.
  3. What is not included in the price of this service?
    1. Anything to do with your tenancy or any maintenance related to your home. You will need to contact your SDA Provider, Landlord, or Strata Management.
    2. Your regular support services.
    3. Our On-Call Support Worker cannot provide or arrange transport services.
  4. Ending this Agreement
    1. The conditions of when we can both end this agreement are covered in the “My Service Agreement Terms and Conditions”.
    2. This agreement will also end if you move out of the building.

Note. Version 2.0

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