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Coordination of Supports (Support Coordination) – Service Disclosure Statement

These are the Terms and Conditions for the service Support Coordination. You need to read these with the My Service Agreement Terms and Conditions. 

  1. What if I need to schedule, reschedule or did not attend my service?
    1. We are available between 8am – 8pm on Monday to Friday, and 8am – 4pm on weekends and public holidays to assist you with scheduling or rescheduling your services. 
    2. To schedule or reschedule your service, email [email protected] or call 1800 818 286.
    3. You will need to give 2 business days’ notice to cancel, reschedule or change a scheduled service that is less than 8 hours continuous duration. Otherwise you will be charged 100% of the agreed service cost to your NDIS plan. E.g. If you have an 8 hour or less shift scheduled on a Thursday you will need to call the customer service team by 8pm on the Monday prior to make the changes. 
    4. You will need to give 5 business days’ notice to cancel, reschedule or change a scheduled service that is longer than 8 hours continuous duration. Otherwise you will be charged 100% of the agreed service cost to your NDIS plan. E.g. If you have an 8 hour or longer shift scheduled on Thursday you will need to call the customer service team by 8pm the Friday prior to make the changes. 
    5. If you end or leave during service, we may still charge you for the whole time.
    6. If you don’t attend your service, and don’t let us know, you will be charged for 100% of the agreed service cost.
    7. We need at least 5 days notice to schedule a service to give us time to meet your needs. If you can’t give us 5 days notice, we will try our best to meet your needs.
    8. You can only receive services you have signed up to in this Agreement. See section 6 ‘What if you need to change your Agreement with us?’ in the Terms and Conditions if you would like to add another service to your Agreement.
  2. What is not included in the price of this service?
    1. Staff may travel to you to provide face to face support. Travel is an additional cost and will be charged to your Psychosocial recovery coach funding package.
    2. Travel costs that will be charged for face to face appointments:
      • Staff time taken to travel to and from the appointment
    3. By law, Northcott must report to the government if we think a person is being abused or neglected. If we need to do this for you, we will charge the time it takes to your NDIS Plan.
  3. What the NDIA says is reasonable and necessary:

In order to be considered reasonable and necessary, a support must:

  • Be related to the participant’s disability.
  • Not include day-to-day living costs that are not related to a participant’s disability support needs.
  • Represent value for money.
  • Be likely to be effective and beneficial to the participant, and take into account informal supports given to participants by families, carers, networks, and the community.
  1. What about Conflict of Interest?

Your Support Coordinator will:

  • Support you to exercise choice and control over your support options.
  • Assist you to understand the difference between the provision of Specialist Support Coordination and other reasonable and necessary supports funded in your plan.
  • Provide you with transparent, factual advice about a range of service providers available.
  • Not influence your selection of services providers. Any choice you make about who will provide other supports will not impact on Specialist Support Coordination Service.
  • Manage conflict of interests in line with NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators.

Note. Version 5.0

Montrose is now part of Northcott!

Welcome to our new website.

If you have any questions, please speak to your Service Manager, Service Coordinator or call us on 1800 818 286.
